The brakes are one of the most important safety-relevant components of any vehicle and should therefore be checked regularly and repaired immediately. The brake linings as well as the brake shoes are very often worn out over time, which makes a quick replacement necessary. We will show you how to detect defects and faults in the brake shoes, how to replace them step by step and what you need to pay particular attention to.
The brake shoes and their functions
Brake shoes are the so-called friction linings which are used in drum brakes. Their direct equivalent in disc brakes are the so-called brake pads.
Although drum brakes are being used less and less in today’s vehicles, these brake variants are still to be found. Drum brakes are particularly popular for off-road vehicles, as the brake shoes are much easier to protect from dirt and dust. The brake shoes are directly responsible for the braking behaviour of the vehicle and therefore belong to the safety-relevant components in the vehicle. For this reason, they should be checked regularly and replaced immediately in case of damage or defects.
These symptoms indicate damage to the brake shoes
Brake shoes can wear out surprisingly quickly when driving in a sporty manner. However, as the brakes are of particular importance, you should pay attention to the various signs indicating a defect or signs of wear.
In the case of brake shoes, these include the following signs:
– The brake lever travel on your vehicle has changed noticeably – The braking power is no longer consistently strong – You have to brake harder than usual – The warning light of the brake system lights up – The steering wheel vibrates strongly during braking – You hear a distinct grinding noise from the brakes |
All these factors may well be due to defective or worn brake shoes. However, other factors can also lead to these symptoms. This way, as the brakes and their functionality are important, you should check the brake shoes as soon as possible. It’s all because a brake failure while driving will in most cases lead to serious accidents. The check itself is quick and takes only a few minutes.
Brake shoes shopspecial price up from £ 7,65go to shop ⇒ |
Brakes are defective: immediate actions required
If any of the above symptoms for possible damage to the brake occur, you should act as soon as possible. After all, a failing brake not only endangers your life, but also the lives of all other road users in your vicinity. Since in most cases only the brake shoes need to be replaced, the replacement itself is quick and reasonably priced.
It is therefore not an issue to react quickly to such situations. In addition, you should also check the brakes or have them checked even if there are minor symptoms. As with all safety-relevant components, the same applies here as well: It is better to check too much once than to have the damage done afterwards.
Are brake shoes wearing parts?
Basically, this question must be answered with a “Yes”. This is because the brake shoes work by means of friction to reduce the speed of the vehicle.
But nevertheless, brake shoes wear much slower than brake pads due to their construction and design.
However, the degree of wear also depends on the driving style and the kilometres driven. As a rule, it can be assumed that high-quality brake shoes will last a good 120,000 kilometres before a change is due.
A regular check should still be carried out. This is because wear can become apparent much more quickly with a particularly sporty driving style and lots of stop and go. Brake shoes with a mileage of just 40,000 kilometres have already had to be replaced. Your driving style is therefore largely responsible for the wear of the brake shoes.
The more thoughtfully and carefully you drive, the less you have to worry about brake shoe wear.
To screw or to have it screwed?
Even if the brakes are one of the most important elements on a vehicle, replacing the brake shoes is neither particularly expensive nor complicated. So, if you have the necessary tools at hand and give yourself a chance, you can easily do it yourself. The way to the workshop may be much more comfortable and easier, but it puts a much greater strain on your wallet. In any case it is worth trying to do it yourself.
You will need these tools to change the brake shoes
– A jack with safety device or a lifting platform – Torque spanner – Screwdriver – Water pumps or combination pliers – Hammer – Brake cleaner |
Replacing brake shoes step by step
1. First the car must be jacked up |
You should pay attention to the following when changing
- In any case, it is important to always replace the brake shoes per axle. This is the only way to guarantee a constant braking effect.
- Also make sure that the brake shoes do not come into contact with grease and oil. This can also noticeably minimise the braking effect.
- After replacing the brake shoes, always run a function test of the braking first. Start at a slow speed and gradually increase the brake power. This ensures more safety.
You should be aware of these costs
First of all, something positive. Replacing drum brakes is much cheaper than replacing disc brakes.
While you have to calculate about 170 pounds workshop costs for the replacement of brake discs, the costs for drum brakes are just 120 pounds. Of course, the prices also depend on the make and type of vehicle and the workshop.
It is even cheaper to change them in the workshop if you bring the right spare parts yourself. Because many workshops use the procurement of spare parts to charge juicy extra costs. So if you want it to be particularly cheap, simply bring the brake shoes for your vehicle to the workshop.
Foto: OPgrapher, udaix, prapholl, Nielskliim, Igor Sokolov (breeze), cowardlion, Mongkolchon Akesin, Pakpoom Phummee, Tong_stocker, Oleksandr Kostiuchenko, Standard store88, iMolly, opportunity_2015, Everyonephoto Studio, BELL KA PANG, NONGASIMO, Petrychenko Anton, Alex459 /